3 Easy Steps To Look Beyond Your Best This CNY 2021

Chinese New Year (CNY) 2021 is the year of the ox, and we can expect a few things this year. 2021 is a period of calmness, harmony, peace, spiritual, emotional and economical reconstruction.
In Singapore, with Phase 3 implemented on 28 Dec and being reinforced for the upcoming festive season, we may need to continue placing our and others health and safety before us. However, that does not mean we cannot still enjoy dressing up and decorating for CNY.
Going beyond looking your best this CNY 2021 does not only extend to how we look, but also what surrounds us. This includes fragrances we cannot see but can smell and the reverse for home decorations we can see but typically cannot smell - it’s the perfect combination is it not?
The first step to looking your best is picking out the best CNY outfit this year.
Whichever suits you best, just keep in mind that if you’re looking for colours you don’t necessarily have to go with the customary colours of red and gold. Yellow, orange, coral, pink and green are other colours for this CNY but if you want to stick with the customary theme, why not play around with the tonal variations of red in your makeup instead like peach or orange-red lipsticks and pale red eyeshadows.
For your outfits, you can then play around with different bright colours and if you ever wear white or black (even though it’s not recommended), balance the outfit with a bright colour to offset the negativity of these two colours like a pastel green or pink and unique patterns like Koi fish or floral designs.
The next thing to tackle, may be out of the box, but how your you know if you never try? Add on a fragrance to your style, it may sound so simple but it changes everything.
Resonate with the radiance within to not just look your best but shine your best too. Fragrances add on another layer to your outfits and sight only goes a long way, but smell? Smell travels, and who doesn’t want to smell as divine as how you have dressed yourself up for this CNY. Find out what fragrance suits you best with this ultimate guide and if you want to radiate your brightest try out our Eau de Parfum, GODDESS because there’s no going further beyond then reaching within the innermost depths of yourself.
Why tackle just one sense when you can use more if not all of them especially, your sense of smell?
Home Decor
Even with restrictions in place, we should not let it dampen our spirits though it is still vital to prioritise others and our health above all else.
Decorating homes is the final step, but in no way is it the least. Targeting your surroundings is good, especially if you’re having others over for this CNY. Why dress and smell your best if you are not surrounded by the best things, with what you love to embrace the environment with who you love.
Going beyond looking your very best definitely applies to going beyond what is on you to look and smell your best. It is all about going beyond yourself and in this case, that means your surroundings. The best part? You can also add in CNY colours or stray away and play with other colours like yellow, orange, coral, pink and green.
2021 is a new year, a fresh start. With the new year just over, and with the Chinese New Year on the rise - there is no better time to go beyond looking and feeling your best, than right now. Festive seasons usually mean smile seasons, wouldn’t you agree?