Phase 1: Safe Re-opening

We’re down to 10 DAYS left for CB that ends on 1 June! Economy to reopen in 3 phases.
As we begin to move on to a NEW NORMAL LIFE, standard rules need to be applied at all times such as wearing your mask when you are out of your house, keeping a safe distance and only going out for essential services.
The First Phase - June 2 (For at least 4 weeks)
“In the first phase, called "safe reopening", more people will be allowed to return to their workplaces, with priority given to critical sectors and businesses that operate in settings with lower transmission risks.
Pre-schools will also gradually reopen by levels, with full resumption by June 10. For primary and secondary schools, those in graduating cohorts will attend school daily, while the rest will rotate weekly.
Places of worship - closed during the circuit breaker - will be allowed to open next month, but only for private worship. Congregational services will not resume.
Social gatherings will also still be prohibited, although an exception will be made for people visiting their parents or grandparents. Visits will be limited to one per day, with a maximum of two visitors a day. These visitors should be from the same household.”
Source from:
Here is RW’s take on how to hinge on government’s instructions with THE ESSENTIALS:
100% ensure that you got sufficient 3ply with quality masks for you to travel to work and your kid when back to school.
As low as $17 only.
100% certain that each of you or your kid has an advanced hand sanitiser in their bags and uses it regularly whenever they touch anything in public
As low as $5.50 only.
100% ensure that your surrounding air is clean as there will be an increasing number of individuals being allowed back to work, more of us might be driving out and about. Our DR.CLO Air Sterilisation Stick covers your home, office, car, fridge, bathroom and even pet area!
Hari Raya Special: 50% OFF for each 2nd stick (19 to 25 May).
- 100% certain that your office is designed with the government’s safety measurement with Temperature and attendance taking door access devices.
Feel safe traveling with your loved ones and start to live in a well-protected NEW NORMAL LIFE now!