The Most Wonderful Guide To Pampering Yourself

Ever heard of the Christmas classic - It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year?
Well, that can’t be truer for the year 2020. It’s been a rollercoaster all over the globe and is no different in Singapore. We all deserve to pamper and treat ourselves for getting through such a crazy year - and what better time than the upcoming festive season?
Here’s a short guide on the many ways you can pamper yourself this year in the most wondrous ways, be it alone or with loved ones:
1. Turn Your Vacays Into Stay-cays
Had plans to take an overseas trip this Christmas? Well turn that frown upside down, and turn that vacations into a stay-cation!
Singapore has so many beautiful sights to see, and just because we live here does not mean we cannot enjoy partaking as a tourist and enjoy sightseeing in Singapore. Even better, you can indulge in a stay-cay and explore places in Singapore that seem like you are still overseas! From Jurong Lake Gardens to Fort Canning Park and Bukit Timah Saddle Club, there are so many locations you can pop by to get away for a much-needed break this Christmas season.
2. Professional Nail & Spa Treatments
Is the first place your mind wanders to when you hear “pamper yourself” a luxurious spa treatment?
Singapore has her fair share of the best nail and spa salons where you can glamour up for yourself and also ease your stress away - literally! Head on over to your nearest sanctuary, in preparation for Christmas or to indulge in a relaxing day.
3. Create Your At-Home Spas
Have trouble finding a spa salon nearby? We’re here to let you know you can create your perfect spa sanctuary, all within the comfort of your home!
It’s pretty simple. All you need are three things - yourself, a shower head and shower filters. Think about it, after a long day what you want to do is jump into the shower and have a goodnight’s sleep right after. Now, what if you tweak it just little by adding shower heads with high-pressured water? That will give you a massage-worthy shower experience and work out all the kinks in your body.
Even better, add on an unscented or scented shower filter to enhance your showers more by treating yourself to an aromatherapeutic shower while treating your skin all at once! These little add-ons could become the best Christmas gift to yourself because sometimes we all need to reward ourselves.
4. Easy-To-Bake Christmas Treats
When you think of Christmas, what’s the first treat that pops into your mind? From Gingerbread men and houses to candy canes, Christmas cookies and log cakes, treating yourself is all in the word itself - it’s a Christmas Treat after all!
Even better, you can spend some quality time with loved ones while you create something everyone can share! If you’re a beginner, don’t worry there whole lists of easy recipes to try. You could also buy those ready-made boxes - it’s the thought that counts and the fun of doing it together that matters most!
Let’s get into the Christmas spirit together to create The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year for us all!