Things-To-Do: How To Keep Your 2021 Radiant In 3 Ways

It’s only the second week of January, but it’s been raining and pouring in Singapore. What happened to a bright and radiant 2021?
Keeping your radiance shining does not just refer to looking radiant, glowing skin and all. It’s all about how to keep your 2021 on the bright side. The best way to do that? Tackle what’s around you, and yourself - both body and mind.
Here are 3 ways to keep your radiance shining throughout this 2021. And yes, it’s pretty much something you can do every day:
Clean Spaces
Look around you, your room and your house. Have things piled up since last year? It’s time for some decluttering and brightening up your space.
Chinese New Year is coming up, and that also means spring cleaning time. It’s no secret that not everyone likes the idea of cleaning, but if you do props to you! For those who abhor the idea yet can’t stop thinking about the mess your room is in, or how you want to change the place up, it can seem like a lot. But why focus on all the things you need to do when you can think about the things you can do once it’s over and done with?
Having a clean space is the perfect plan to getting anything done, even for relaxing. Even a little touch up to let more sunlight filter through your window will help brighten up the place! Cleaning up your space does not have to occur overnight, you can take your time, just make sure to list down a deadline and stick to that deadline. From now until then, take as much time as you need to make your personal space shine a little - figuratively and literally because why not?
Down-Time Activities
Now that you’ve had a plan for or already have a clean space, it’s time to think about that relaxation and break you deserve. We all need a little reward after completing something satisfying, don’t we?
In your clean space, or to-be-clean space, why don’t you do something different than perusing through your technological devices and give something else a try! The downtime activity that's the simplest would be to grab a book off your bookshelf and just bask in the sun while soaking in the adventures, knowledge and learnings or your book. Then again, living in such a digital age, it can feel a little odd not to be on some form of technology, so if your downtime and method of relaxing are becoming a couch potato, or even a bed-potato with having portable devices like laptops, tablets and phones - no one should disrupt what you enjoy doing.
There is a whole list of downtime activities we can get into, but everyone has different preferences and enjoys relaxing in different ways. A word of advice? Just take a step back and think about what you feel like doing and the first thing that pops into your mind that you think you’d want to enjoy, just go for it! The best part is if its something you can do within the comfort of your room - brightening up both your physical space and mind at the same time!
Beauty & Fragrances
2021 has started off looking gloomy in Singapore, with constant downpours and grey skies. So once our space and mind have been fed a little light, let’s move on to the final thing - your physical self.
The easiest way to keep yourself and, in turn, your body radiant is through making your skin glow. But radiance does not only originate from how you look. It is also from how you think and feel. And what affects emotions the strongest is none other than your sense of smell.
Did you know that your olfactory sense plays such a powerful role throughout your life? It can transport you to memories from long ago plus affects your moods, and is no different in this case. If you smell good, you will feel good too, of this, we have no doubt. You can also bring out your inner radiance and glow from the inside and outside with a single spritz of the most delectable fragrance that is only yours, like our Eau de Parfum, GODDESS. Made with a distinctive blend of divine fragrances, this is the perfect accompaniment and secret ingredient to keeping your radiance shining throughout 2021.
Smelling wonderful is a bonus to looking and feeling fantastic. Why not exude your radiance this 2021 in all ways imaginable - inner and outer.